I went from working out 5x/week for 15 months to zero. here’s what changed
The pandemic rocked us in different ways. Some couldn’t get out of their bed while others were worked overtime. Some people developed healthy habits and others faltered. For me? I exercised.
I would say that before the pandemic if I made it to the gym 4x a week that was steller. I would average 3 for the most part. Actually, in 2020, I had yet to secure a gym until T-minus 3 weeks until the lockdown so at best I was working twice a week up until that point.
When lockdown hit, I was a mess. Like many people, I was in a mindset of productivity syndrome on top of being a new graduate. But while everything in my grasp was slipping through, the only thing I thought I could hold onto was my health, specifically exercise. I thought to myself, If I don’t do anything else today, I am at least moving my body in some sort of way.
So this was my schedule for the week:
- Monday: Full Body
- Tuesday: Core
- Wednesday: Upper
- Thurs: Lower
- Friday: HITT
- Sat/Sun: Stretch or Active Rest
Let’s not forget the pull-ups I was doing every third day.
I stuck with this schedule from April 2020-May 2021 more or less depending on if it was a pull-up day.
I’ve got to admit
Working out 5 times a week was not a healthy relationship for me
It really started off as the only thing I could control in my life. The world was falling apart and I was depressed and angry. Depressed that this was not how I saw my life turn out to be. Angry that I had no luck applying to jobs while others did. Frustrated at how stuck I felt. And while I was grateful that I had a roof over my head and parents who supported me, I felt helpless to be in a situation that I thought I could change.
And so I reigned in on controlling my body.
If I didn’t work out then I did not feel good.
There were so many days I did not want to exercise. But I was proving to myself that if all else is failing then at least don’t fail on me (myself @ me). It took me well into September to start shifting my mindset into positive and healthy affirmations for why I chose to work out.
This is still a mental activity that I have to practice to this day, especially because now
I have only worked out twice this month
The obvious happened: I went on a trip, I moved, I’m still adjusting and now it is the end of June and I have yet to a yoga mat (I really was out today to find one).
For me, the reason why I am not drowning in guilt is how active I still am. I am up and moving, walking miles on end and upstairs to and fro the subway. I am working, stretching and most importantly, I am eating well. Well enough.
If I wasn’t doing these things I’m not sure if I would be feeling this way. And I also know that I’m going to bounce back.
I am excited to get back into a gym. I’m so used to taking online classes now I’m not even sure what I should be doing anymore! But I hope now that I’m finally settling in, I will get my swole back on.
And besides, all the training the past month was to prepare for hot girl summer. Now that it's here, might as well enjoy the progress you made up to this point!