Black Widow is Going to Kinda Suck

Asia Monét
3 min readMay 4, 2021


Spoilers ahead

Photo by Erik Mclean on Unsplash

Something else that you should know about me is that I kinda sorta like watching movies. I’m no artsy-fartsy buff. I took two film classes, I know what misc-e-scene is, but that’s about it. With that being said, I like to watch movies and cinema. I am also a huge black girl nerd (or geek if you want to get technical), so I like, no I love Marvel. But Black Widow is going to suck.

Picture this: it's May 2015. You just got out of the theater watching the highly contested Avengers: Age of Ultron. One highlight, however, was finally seeing the badass Natasha Romanoff finally get some action! By action, I mean a backstory. Here we are ten (!!) movies deep into the Cinematic Universe and we’ve known Nat for four films. Whether or not she is a trained assassin, being the only girl on the OG Squad is a standout. Yet, the most we get of who she is/was, is in a very small scene during Ultron, and I can tell you that many fans were enthused and interested to see when Nat would finally get her own movie.

So why wasn’t there?

All of us agreed, (you know all those on Tumblr), that this would be the perfect moment to have our queen ScarJo get her solo!

Truth be told though, Natasha has such an interesting background to not only be worthy of a standalone, but deserves to be explored because she was a central character in the franchise, and knowing her could have helped us empathize with her more. But instead, we get….

Hulk and Nat? Not even Clint and Nat??

Apparently, it was a timing issue, but we know full well it just wasn’t in Feige’s master plan.

Fast forward today, where Black Widow is finally getting released after 14 months of its original release date. This, as you may know, after the end of Phase 3, a small pandemic, and two Marvel shows that have turned TV Production on its head.

To be honest, we’ve moved on.

That’s not to say that BW didn’t have its hesitations before 2020. Simply put, the film should have come out earlier. After parting ways with her in Endgame, (it shouldn’t have been you Nat), we quite literally said our goodbyes. Her chapter has closed. Yeah, I miss Natasha, I do. But their idea of making this movie as almost an homage to her, but also bringing in a new Black Widow, just seems forced. I understand they might not have known what to do, but the ideas that the fans had for her standalone is pretty much what they’re doing now.

If Feige is good at anything, it's timing. Hell, he made a 10-year plan for over a dozen films to start and probably has it mapped out until 2050. So it disappoints me that he didn’t plan this one out, especially knowing that he’s so receptive to fans. There’s nothing that they are going to do here that they couldn’t have done earlier besides setting up for a new character. And if that’s all it's really going to be, then you never gave Nat the moment she deserves.

With that being said, there will be a comprehensive review on July 9th when I watch Black Widow because of course, I am! That is still my girl!



Asia Monét
Asia Monét

Written by Asia Monét

A 20-something who stutters and trying to figure out how to deal with it on top of adulting shenanigans and discovery

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