3 Things I Learned About New York in the Past 48 Hours
Gotta keep up the pace
So to catch anyone new up to speed, I moved to New York just a few days ago. Now to add to this, I already was planning a vacation with my family prior to the whole moving sitch so that’s what we’ve been doing now. And so far it's been quite a good learning experience. I can experience the city without having to think about much else. Just learn.
With that being said, here is what I’ve compiled thus far. I have not confirmed any of these with my sister who is a New Yorker, but uhh we’ll find out. Let me know in the comments below if this rings true!
Some of these things seem obvious for some people which is okay! We all have different journey’s in the end and perhaps you felt this at the start of yours without even realizing it.
1. Weather Can Change on a Dime
This one is kinda a doozy. My sister did mention the unpredictability of the weather. But lord, if I didn’t have my massive suitcases because I was moving in, I would’ve been screwed. Maybe not screwed entirely, but cold.
One day it was overwhelmingly hot. The next it was full-blown thunderstorms. Even throughout the day, you can expect your plans to change from an outdoor picnic to a movie because it's suddenly pouring cats and dogs when the forecast was just at 30% two hours ago.
With that being said, let me reconsider what I was going to wear today.
2. People Wear What They Want
So far, I have yet to see a specific style. You can normally get a feel pretty quickly the difference between tourists and not so after weeding that out, I don’t particularly see a huge trend.
Living in LA, there is this notion of “okay even if I’m wearing sweat pants it's a sweatsuit and it's from Ariztia.” Call it a “natural makeup look.” Brand driven and trend-forward.
Living in Sydney, Australia, you have a similar theme as LA. But to add to that, everyone is dressed to the nines. The looks are minimalistic, classy. Its a sweatsuit with heels. At least that’s what I got from the white people.
Living in the Bay Area, the theme is crunchy. Urban Dictionary describes it as the modern-day hippie:
quasi/modern day hippie; tends to wear no shoes, spends much of time finding way out of woods after smoking excessive amounts of weed..
This is further established by wearing brands such as North Face, Patagonia (Patty), and Birkenstocks. I had none of the above, so I personally did not feel crunchy enough.
But in New York I just see whatever makes you comfortable. And while you have the regular cliques such as the Wall Street bros, Devil Wears Prada, and Indie Trust Fund Kid, I pretty much see everyone else doing their thing.
I find that reassuring.
3. Mind Your Step
This should be a no-brainer for virtually anywhere, but when you’re in a city that moves fast, it's pretty easy to forget to look at the ground every once in a while.
And although I’m one to stay alert to my surroundings I have to add the ground to my visual awareness because there have been already way too many times I could’ve stepped in shit.
There’s so much more to say! I hope someone can tell me if these are pretty true statements in their experiences in living in New York. I want to post an updated one every so often just to see how my view changes and evolves and the things I learn along the way.
But right now I am just excited to be here! :)