100 Job Applications Later…
There are just 3 words to remember
It has been 1 Year and 7 months since I graduated from university. Since then, I have applied to well over 100 jobs, but according to my pretty little excel sheet, I have reached 100. (And just to clarify, by jobs, I’m referring to big girl jobs.)
I remember the panelists in workshops I’d take, would talk about how they’ve applied to 50, 100, 150 jobs. How they interviewed and changed their resumes countless times. How they never heard back from anyone. I thought to myself, “100? There’s no way!”
I could not fathom writing and rewriting the same application, receiving constant rejections, going to multiple interviews, day in and day out.
Yet here I was doing the same routine they were.
In these 100 Job Applications I have:
- Made it to the final round
- Been rejected
- Never heard anything back
- Received referrals
- Had informational interviews with employees of the company
- Connected with employees on LinkedIn
- Have dozens of iterations of my resume
- Have written countless cover letters
I applied to 100 Job Applications in 15 months.
And I still have yet to land something.
I’m not going to lie to you, I’m tired.
But if there is anything I know, as clique as it may sound, it is to:
Trust the Process
Easier said than done, I know. Trust me I know. And if you’re in the same boat as me, you are not alone. Take breaks if you need to. Reach out for help. You will get to where you want to be.
Just trust the process and be patient.
All my best,